Crabbe, Buster (1908 – 83)
Price: $75.00
CRAWFORD, JOAN (1904-77)
American star of stage and screen. Academy-award winner. TLS – Typewritten Letter Signed; one page April 1969; thoughtful note to a fan. Note reads: It was so sweet of you to remember my birthday and also my Easter with the lovely greeting cards. You are always so thoughtful, and I am very, very grateful to […]
Price: $145.00
Crawford, William Harris (1772 – 1834)
Price: $20.00
CREELEY, ROBERT (1926-2005)
American poet and academic, most associated with the Black Mountain poets although his verse aesthetic diverged from that genre. BOOKS: We have three signed and dated books by Professor Creeley – long associated with the University at Buffalo. Titles: Selected Poems (1991); A UM (As One) Poemas, 1998; Day Book of a Virtual Poet (1998). […]