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Cushing, Richard J. Cardinal (1895 – 1970)



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Longtime archbishop of Boston; founder of the Missionary Society of St. James; author; friend of the Kennedy family.

TLS – Typewritten Letter Signed, one page, December 1965. Reads: “Yes, indeed, I remember Marquis Alain de Pierrefeu, when she was making her extensive tour in the interest of peace among nations. I don’t remember having received a copy of her book, Unity in the Spirit,  but if you will send me a copy I will do my best to publicize it. I also have the impression that I can use much of its contents in talking on unity of love and unity of spirit in non-Catholic churches and synagogues. I hope Mme. de Pierrefeu will live to be a hundred. I will say Mass for her during the Christmas season.  The enclosed card witnesses to this memento. Since more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of and since the Mass is the highest form of prayer that I or any priest can offer I am confident these mementos will be beneficial to her. With you and all near and dear to you a blessed Christmas and with a prayer that every day of 1966 may be more blessed for you than its predecessor… Comes with a color reprint of an original oil portrait of Cushing in full ecclesiasticals.

ELSA TUDOR (1878-1967),  was the granddaughter of Boston’s Ice King Frederic Tudor and a member of Boston’s Brahmin class. Considered one of the “belles of Boston society” prior to her marriage in 1904, and a denizen of the social register, Elsa proved adept at shocking her staid peers, whether announcing that she would become a professional barefoot dancer, as she did in 1910, doing Red Cross work in France during the war, or exploring her talents as a poet and writer, a mystic, and a follower of “Eastern” religion. After the death of her husband, Elsa became an ardent pacifist, corresponding with Gandhi, representing the International Relations Committee of the Massachusetts Federation of Churches in Europe, and organizing a series of world youth tours after the rise of Hitler to spread “world peace through world trade.”

Elsa Tudor De Pierrefeu’s book, Unity In The Spirit, was published in 1955 by Richard R. Smith Publisher, Inc., Rindge, New Hampshire.


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