LEGER, Paul-Emile Cardinal (1904-91)
Archbishop of Montreal. In the 1960s, Leger gave up all of the trappings of office as cardinal to move to Cameroon, West Africa where he worked with lepers and the handicapped. Leger was the founder of “Cardinal Leger and His Endeavours”. Of his resignation from the See of Montreal, Leger commented “…I have reached an age […]
Price: $100.00
Lehmann, Karl Cardinal (1936-2018 )
Color 7″x5″ SP
Price: $50.00
LÉPICIER, Alexis Henri Cardinal (1863 – 1946)
Autograph book: L’Ordre des Servites de Marie
Price: $145.00
Lord, Nathan (1792-1870)
American Congregational clergyman and educator. During the American Civil War, his pro-slavery views (unusual in New England) brought him considerable notoriety. Served as President of Dartmouth College from 1828-63. SIG – Signed bearer’s pass rather faded, dated March 31. He has added “The bearer admitted, N. Lane.” Room for matting. Although he began as an […]
Price: $25.00