Davidson, Randall, First Baron Davidson (1848 – 1930)
SIG with date
Dimnet, Ernest (1866-1954)
French priest, author and lecturer. ANS – Autograph Note Signed on a postcard, dated 1937. Reads: It is impossible to be more thoughtful. Accept my thanks for yourself and Mrs. Dornuf. Ernest Dimnet. Father Dimnet was the author of The Art of Thinking, a popular book on thinking and reasoning. Born in France, he moved […]
Price: $25.00
DIMNET, Rt. Rev. Ernest (1866-1954)
French priest, writer and lecturer; the author of The Art of Thinking, a popular book on thinking and reasoning during the 1930s. SIG – Vintage signature on a small slip of paper (room for matting). Dated October 1927. At the time he was the Canon of Notre Dame Cathedral. Born in France, he moved to […]
Price: $15.00
Dowling, Archbishop Austin (1868 – 1930)
Vintage signature
Price: $45.00