The Vatican
Book: “The Vatican”
Price: $65.00
Tyson, Neil DeGrasse (1958 – )
Book: The Pluto Files: the Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite Planet
Price: $65.00
VAN PRAAGH, James (1958- )
Ghosts Among Us: Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side. Harper One, 2008. Signed First Edition. Hardbound. Not price-clipped.
Price: $35.00
WATERMAN, Nixon (1859-1944)
A Book of Verses. Forbes & Co., Boston, 1900. Bears signed and dated quotation by the author, 1905. Second issue. Waterman, an acquaintance of Elbert Hubbard, was oft-quoted in Fra, the Philistine, and other Roycroft publications. Waterman was a popular Chautauqua lecturer, journalist and poet. He was oft-quoted in the publications of Elbert Hubbard (The Philistine).
Price: $100.00