L’Heureux, John (1934-2019 )
American author of such works of fiction as Quick As Dandelions, The Miracle, Having Everything, The Shrine at Altamira, Comedians, An Honorable Profession, and A Woman Run Mad. A former Jesuit priest (he left the order in 1971) and contributing editor to The Atlantic Monthly, he taught at Georgetown, Tufts, Harvard, and was a professor […]
Price: $135.00
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin. Signed First Edition; Crown, NY 2011. Hardbound with dust jacket and Brodart protective cover. Near mint. Accompanied by publisher’s one-sheet promo, also signed by the author. The time is 1933, the place, Berlin, when William E. Dodd becomes America’s first ambassador […]
Price: $50.00
LeCarré, John (1931- )
The Night Manager: A Novel. Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Signed First Edition. Hardbound. Not price-clipped.
Price: $265.00
Les Editions Albert Levy, Paris 1931
Book: “Tendances Nouvelles du Théatre”. Leon Moussinac, 1931. Limited edition of #600, this being #208.
Price: $425.00