CICOGNANI, Amleto G. Cardinal (1883-1973)
PLEASE VISIT spiritusrarities.com for details of this item. Italian cardinal; papal secretary of state. Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Cicognani was secretary of state under three popes. ISP – Inscribed Signed and dated Photograph: Dedicated to a priest on the occasion of his ordination. Handsome sepia-tone G. Felici, Roma, photograph that has been mounted […]
Cist, Nordecah
Price: $20.00
CIVARDI, Ernesto Cardinal (1906-89)
PLEASE VISIT spiritusrarities.com for details of this item. Italian cardinal; long-time service in the Roman Curia. Referendary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature. Expert at the Second Vatican Council. ANS – Autograph Note Signed – Untranslated Italian; addressed to the grandson or nephew of Cardinal Pietro Maffi; two sides of personal calling card. Early, […]
Claiborne, William (1600 – 67)
Price: $20.00