MANN, THOMAS (1875-1955)
German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist, and the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. His highly symbolic and ironic epic novels and novellas are noted for their insight into the psychology of the artist and the intellectual. FIRST EDITION BOOK: The Holy Sinner: A Novel. Alfred A. Knopf, 1951. Stated First Edition. Hardbound, […]
Price: $35.00
Manning, Bishop William T. (1866 – 1949)
T.L.S. 1938
Price: $45.00
Mansfield, Michael (1903 – 2001)
Vintage signature
Price: $25.00
Mansions on Rails: the Folklore of the Private Railway Car. Hardbound, Signed Limited Edition, 1959 Howell-North Books. (#1157 of #1900 issued). Profusely illustrated. Includes a separate fold-out design of a luxury rail car. Six full color illustrations; 350 black/white photographs. The ideal gift for anyone who is fascinated by US rail travel, particularly in the “golden […]
Price: $95.00