Price: $135.00
Description:Italian cardinal; master of the papal chamber; prefect of the Apostolic Palace.
TLS – Typewritten Letter Signed, two pages, 20 May 1965, addressed to a friend Monsignor Francesco Castagnetti of the major seminary in Piacenza. We assume Castagnetti was a relative or had assumed the custodial care of the cardinal’s cousin, Angelo Sciaccaluga. Also mentions Anna Fracanzani. Very personal in nature. Merits further research. Some nominal foxing at left border, well away from text. Overall very good. Merits further research.
Nasalli Rocca also was a member of the SS CC for the Sacraments and Divine Worship; Causes of the Saints; and the Secretariat for Non-Believers. Obviously a capable administrator who was, perhaps, less suited for pastoral duties. An important player in the Roman Curia of the day.