THE CARDINAL YORK, Henry Benedict Maria (1725-1807)
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STUART, Henry Benedict Thomas Edward Maria Clement Francis Xavier – Cardinal Duke of York – French cardinal and archbishop; the Jacobite Henry IX, second son of James III, the Old Pretender, brother of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
LS – Letter Signed – Fine letter in French signed with autograph subscription De Votre Majesté le bon frère et Cousin, 1791.
Secretarially-penned but signed by The Cardinal York who sends the most ardent wishes for the renewal of the year we reach, and I form them in the feelings of the greatest gratitude for all the kindness by which You honor me. I pray that God will fill Your Majesty with all the blessings. He will never multiply them to You as much as I wish …one side folio with original envelope, Frascati, 16th December 1791. Presumably he is writing to Ferdinand I (1751-1825), who was the King of the Two Sicilies from 1816, after his restoration following victory in the Napoleonic Wars. Before that he had been, since 1759, Ferdinand IV of the Kingdom of Naples and Ferdinand III of the Kingdom of Sicily. He was also King of Gozo. He was deposed twice from the throne of Naples: once by the revolutionary Parthenopean Republic for six months in 1799 and again by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805.
In Francais: À Monsieur mon frère et cousin Le Roi des deux Siciles 16 dec 1791 Monsieur Mon Frère et Cousin. Je dois à votre Majesté les vœux les plus ardents en ce renouvellement d’année où nous touchons, et je les forme dans les sentiments de la plus vive reconnaissance pour toutes les bontés dont Elle veut bien m’honorer. Je prie Dieu qu’il comble Votre Majesté de toutes les bénédictions. Il ne les multipliera jamais sur Elle aussi abondamment que je le désire. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec le plus parfait et le plus respectueux attachement Monsieur Mon Frère et Cousin. À Frascati ce 16 décembre 1791 De Votre Majesté Le bon frère et cousin Henry Cardinal